Wow James. This was profound.

Especially loved: “I realized that while I had agency over my actions, the line where I stopped and someone else started was much less defined than I thought.”

I’m an individual with agency but I’m so deeply influenced (and grateful) for how my fellow humans shape me.

Beautiful my friend :)

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Tommy, thank you. It is soooo true when I think of our WOP community. All of us caring for, contributing to, and inspiring each other. Have a wonderful day and weekend.

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I needed that Cicero quote, that forgiveness your showed yourself, and the invitation that is republishing a piece.

Happy thanksgiving to you James and your family.

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Steven, thank you. I hope you are having a wonderful time in California with your family!!

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PS: I would read every one of your pieces anew if you republished them. They pour into me, and are timeless.

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I loved this line: "When I took the time to look inside myself, I felt the presence of so many people." It captures something I have long felt but have never distilled into such clear thinking as you stated it here.

While the contribution of others has been pouring into you for decades, you are now pouring their contributions, and your own, into the lives of many others. The positive impact of which is profound -- it certainly has been on my life. Thank your for writing and sharing, James.

(The forgiveness piece will have it's day. No rush.)

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Jack, thank you 🙏 it’s been a real treat to develop a friendship with you and pour ourselves back and forth to each other - like an hourglass on its side. Have a wonderful day. Yes, the forgiveness piece will have its day when I chisel it into 1/2 it’s size 😳.

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Sitting here with my extended family (about 40 people), watching football and just read this essay. I am looking around and realizing the impact that every one of these people has had on me and how they have shaped my life. Thanks for writing this James and giving me this moment of realization.

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Justin. Thank you for the comment. The visual of what you wrote is exactly what strikes me from time to time, and not often enough. It humbles me.

Thank you for your contribution to me in the area of health and food.

I hope you have a GREAT rest of your day and weekend.

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Especially today, encircled by the love of family and friends, I am aware that today suffering also exists, in the life of a family whose young son ended his own life, in the St Al’s ER nurse whose, husband died two weeks ago and who volunteered to work a shift for someone so they could share Thanksgiving with their family, and in the life of a friend who is suddenly facing an unexpected cancer diagnosis. The blessings of celebrating Thanksgiving today are made more poignant in the shadow cast by these lives. Eternally grateful for all those who “invisibly pour into us and shape who we are and who we are becoming”. Thank you James, Happy Thanksgiving

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Becky, thank you so much for the perspective offered here. It is profound in the context of those suffering as you express. I’m blown away by the ER nurse in your reflection. Pure sacrifice and a remarkable example of pouring herself into others.

Thank you 🙏 for the richness of your sharing and pouring a bit of yourself into me and the readers here. ❤️❤️

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You never cease to amaze me dad! Your’e a wonderful writer and I truly love reading your pieces. You make me a learn with your nourishing words of wisdom. Happy thanksgiving and I’m super grateful for you!🦃🍽❤️

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Aly, you are so sweet! It is believed that parents are supposed to “teach” their children. My experience with you and Bella is the reverse - that you teach me so much and I’m the one learning everyday.

Every day I love you more than all other days combined. ❤️❤️❤️

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What a beautiful family! Wishing you all a great Thanksgiving.

And thank you for bringing this rich piece of reading and generous thinking back to us, your newer readers. Individually we can do much, but together we do so much more.

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Karena. Together we sure can. I LOVE that you are a stand for “together.” I’m grateful the universe brought us together this year. ❤️

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Thank you, James, for the introspection and wisdom on this day of Thanksgiving. As the year has passed and I reflect on all the things to be thankful for, I also reflect on the sadness of a lost love one, and the pain of watching another loved one fade away. However, your message reminds me to be grateful for their importance in my life and the wonderful memories. Thank you for that! I wish you all the best!

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Lots, so lovely to hear from you, yet I’m sorry for the pain you must be enduring having lost a loved one and being with another who is slipping away. I have no idea if this applies to your situation, my mother is in a memory care unit in Salem. One of the care givers told us that people with dementia or Alzheimer’s still know and feel when they are being loved, even though they can’t let you know. I remember that each time I’m with my mom - loving her and knowing that it’s going in and warming her heart.

Big hugs to you Loys. I hope you’ve been able to build that home you imagined during this time. ❤️

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Beautifully piece, James - thank you. The realization you mentioned at age 40 was a gift to all of us that walk the path with you. I feel seen by you which opens my eyes to see others.

All the best my friend.

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Rich, I love walking (and occasionally running) life’s path with you. The honor is mine. 🙏

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Happy Thanksgiving James and thanks for sharing this beautiful reminder with everyone. It’s clear how much you live for others in your writing and the work you do.

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John, I’m thankful the universe put me in your peer group room earlier this year. And I’m more grateful for the relationship we are cultivating. 🙏

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Thank you, James! Yes, similar situation. My mother is also in memory care with late stage dementia. I try to spend time every day holding her hand, hugging, and talking to. She seldom acknowledges my words, but I hope she understands how much her kids love her and appreciate her.

I am sorry to hear your mother is also in memory care. It is an unfair way to live the final years, and heartbreaking to watch a loved one fade away. I now understand why they call it “the long slow goodbye”.

Regarding the house build, we finally moved into our aging-in-place home in March after 17 months of building during Covid (I don’t recommend the timing.) It is a perfect set up for Dave’s PD progression, and the view is spectacular, so I have much to be thankful for.

I want you to know how much I have appreciated your introspective guidance since that retirement investment meeting way back when. It isn’t often enough that I meet someone who is both an expert in their chosen career and also an outstanding person. I am thankful to have met you and I wish many blessings for you and your family during this holiday season❣️

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Loys - thank you for sharing about your mother and your experience with her, as well as your perfectly set up home for you and Dave.

And thank you for the kind words about me. I felt the same about you in that meeting in Portland all those years ago and am glad we’ve stayed connected over the years. You’re a contribution to my life.

Take good care! 🤗

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Beautiful James. We're all connected to all there is. Our one life has been touched by all life. Thank you for your keen insight so wonderfully expressed!

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DW, I miss you pal and hope you’re having a wonderful weekend. Love you!

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What a wonderful essay. I am thankful that I can learn from you, James. I also appreciate that you shared how you had grace with yourself. Making a note to remember to do that.

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Thank you Henri 😀 The feeling is mutual. Have a wonderful weekend!

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I am you, you are me.

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"I’ve come to realize that in this class project called life, I’ve been, and continue to be, forged by a large student body, of which I’m only a single member. While I’m in charge of my path in life, I’m most certainly not self-made." Just beautiful James. You've so well-captured a sea-change that has showed up in my own perception in the last year. And I love the specific individuals you name in the essay, I can feel their integrity and value to you even in the brief mentions. I'm grateful to have run into you in the hallways of the student body this year and proud to count you as a friend.

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Rick, thank you for your comment. I too am glad we ran into each other in the halls. From here on out I’m more pleased we will contribute to each other’s lives 🙏.

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