Great essay James, always excited to see a new piece from you in my inbox. I’ve read a lot on investing - from Graham to Buffett to Lynch to Malkiel - and your ability to describe complex financial topics in simple, easy to understand ways is on par.
Reading this, I found myself thinking of the parallels of the Hero’s Journey. Not identic…
Great essay James, always excited to see a new piece from you in my inbox. I’ve read a lot on investing - from Graham to Buffett to Lynch to Malkiel - and your ability to describe complex financial topics in simple, easy to understand ways is on par.
Reading this, I found myself thinking of the parallels of the Hero’s Journey. Not identical, but the hero being reluctant to set out on the Road, meeting unexpected friends and foes, riding through highs and lows, euphoria and despair and several moments they want to quit and turn back but realize they cannot or else they’ll never become the person they want to be.
Tommy, that means a lot coming from you. Thank you. And yes, I think the Hero's Journey is a perfect metaphor. Like remaining connected to the compounding, which is an act of faith in the unknown, the Hero must remain connected to his/her journey despite the circumstances. Or maybe it's not despite but surrendering to the circumstances and being forged from the periods of discomfort, manifesting into the fullest version of themselves.
Great essay James, always excited to see a new piece from you in my inbox. I’ve read a lot on investing - from Graham to Buffett to Lynch to Malkiel - and your ability to describe complex financial topics in simple, easy to understand ways is on par.
Reading this, I found myself thinking of the parallels of the Hero’s Journey. Not identical, but the hero being reluctant to set out on the Road, meeting unexpected friends and foes, riding through highs and lows, euphoria and despair and several moments they want to quit and turn back but realize they cannot or else they’ll never become the person they want to be.
Tommy, that means a lot coming from you. Thank you. And yes, I think the Hero's Journey is a perfect metaphor. Like remaining connected to the compounding, which is an act of faith in the unknown, the Hero must remain connected to his/her journey despite the circumstances. Or maybe it's not despite but surrendering to the circumstances and being forged from the periods of discomfort, manifesting into the fullest version of themselves.
I hope your work in central Canada is going well!